On your bike!  Level One’s Latest Resident

On your bike! Level One’s Latest Resident

Karl Woolcott is the living embodiment of why you should follow your passion.  He operates the bespoke cycling tour company Ride Holidays which organises cycling holidays for thousands of lycra-clad Kiwis and Australians, but says it doesn’t feel like work.  RIDE goes everywhere where there are roads:  Italy, Spain, France, Canada, Vietnam Australia — the New Zealand destinations include Wellington and Taupo.   Even though Karl looks as if he’s spent most of his life on a bike, he’s at pains to stress that RIDE’s trips cater for all levels of riding.  His oldest rider so far has been 81 while his youngest riders are teenagers. They also encourage non-biking partners to join their trips; and tailor events and activities throughout the tour to ensure they don’t spend the whole time staring out the window of a minivan.

Karl’s a former travel agent who hails from Hataitai in windy Wellington, so he’s finding life in Devonport relatively calm.  He’s still getting used to the Lake Road traffic but then again, who cares – he’s on his bike!  The bike tours take him overseas around four months of the year, but in his non-travelling months you’ll find him at Level One most of the week.  For the latest on what’s hot in the cycling world, he’s your man.

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